Let our experienced audiologists clear the way and guide you toward better hearing. With the latest treatment and technology, we’re ready to help you hear what you’ve been missing. In addition to helping you hear better, we also manufacture molds that block water and sound from entering your ear canal.

Lisa A. Dundas, Au.D.
Dr. Dundas earned her master’s degree in Audiology in 1976 from San Francisco State University and her doctorate in Audiology from A.T. Still University in 2009. Dr. Dundas has been providing superior audiology services since 1981. She is particularly skilled on building a hearing aid to your satisfaction.

Tina Romano, M.S., CCC-A, CHom
Ms. Romano earned her master’s degree from Colorado State University and has been practicing Audiology since 1986. Ms. Romano is certified in holistic medicine in order to provide information and resources for preventative medical care. She has additional training in Tinnitus Rehabilitation Therapy.